The black kiss: what it is and how to practice it safely

Friday, 29 December 2023

The forms of sexual pleasure are very varied and there are sexual practices for all tastes. One that may be the most shocking for many people is what is called a black kiss or annilingus.

What is black kiss? This name is known within the universe of sexual practices, the stimulation with the mouth and tongue of the anal area of the couple for erotic purposes and pursuing mutual pleasure. That is to say: talking about rimming or anilingus is talking about oral stimulation of the anal sphincter.

There are many people who are prejudiced against this practice. The fact that the area that must be stimulated with lips and tongue is the usual area for the transit of feces puts many people back when it comes to daring to practice rimming , this form of sexual stimulation that would be included within oral sex.

Its defenders, however, use an irrefutable argument to encourage its practice. The anus, they say, is an area where many nerve endings converge. This implies that it is a very sensitive area and, therefore, if well stimulated, it can be a body area that is a source of great pleasure.

Having explained what a rimming is , we are going to give in this post a series of tips to practice it safely and to extract maximum pleasure from it.

What is Black Kiss?

Black kiss: tips for practicing it

The first advice we want to give about the practice of rimming is advice that can and should be applied to any type of sexual practice. That advice (which more than advice is a maxim that should always be respected is the following: in sex, nothing should be done out of obligation. That is to say: any type of sexual practice should only be carried out from freedom and desire.

Rimming does not escape this mandate. Annilingus should not be practiced out of obligation. You must reach it if you truly want to practice it.

The second piece of advice is summed up in a single word: hygiene. It is true that this is always recommended when talking about sex, but in the case of rimming, the hygiene of the area is doubly imperative. The anus is not only a very sensitive area of the body, it is also an area that can have bacteria such as E. Coli or salmonella. That is why it is necessary to clean it well before practicing annilingus. As? Simply with soap and water.

There are those who also recommend performing an anal shower, but we believe that the use of an enema is excessive for the practice of rimming. In any case, those who feel more comfortable using the enema as a form of anal hygiene before practicing rimming can do so. It would be missing more. As we have indicated previously, sex must be the territory of freedom.

A good way to maximize hygiene when performing rimming is to use a latex barrier. There are some with flavors that serve to give a special touch to licking. If you do not have one of these barriers, you can resort to cutting a normal condom lengthwise.

The main function of the latex barrier is to protect against the spread of sexually transmitted diseases such as chlamydia, gonorrhea, genital herpes, syphilis or HIV.

Another tip to keep in mind when the recipient of rimming is a girl is that you should not alternately suck or lick the anus and vagina, as they can carry bacteria from one to the other and cause an infection.

Having seen the basic tips for practicing rimming, we are going to provide some ideas on how to practice it.

Black Kiss Tips

How to do a black kiss?

How should rimming be practiced? Firstly and like any other sexual practice, without rushing. Rushing, in sex, is never a good advisor.

The active part should proceed calmly and slowly stimulating the surroundings of the anus. This will allow the passive part to relax and also feel comfortable. Once it is, the pleasure will increase progressively.

To achieve this, the active part must make circular movements with the tongue, combining them with up and down movements. The movements should be, more or less alternately, deeper and shallower.

There are many people who, when performing this type of stimulation, try to turn their tongue into a kind of penis. There's no need. After all, the vast majority of nerve endings are found on the outside of the anus. It is there, and not within it, where the stimulation should take place.

It goes without saying that, as in any sexual practice, communication between members of the couple is essential. It is very important to talk and tell others what is going well and what is not and, above all, what they want and what they don't.

A good idea to give extra pleasure to anilingus is, at the same time as practicing it, to stimulate the vagina, the clitoris or the penis, depending, logically, on the gender of the passive part.

Stimulation of the clitoris, vagina or penis while rimming can be done either with your hand or with some type of sex toy . Using a clitoral stimulator or sucker, a dildo, a vibrator, or a male masturbator is an excellent way to increase the pleasure experienced by the person being rimmed.

Another good option is to practice mutual rimming. That is to say: adopt a position that, as happens with the classic 69, allows both members of the couple to act at the same time as an active and passive part of this sexual practice. In the case of rimming, the position would be called double zero . The only drawback of this very pleasant practice is that it requires a certain body flexibility to be carried out. The most common, without a doubt, and the most comfortable, is to resort to the doggy position.

How to make black kiss

The sensations of anilingus

The sensations of anilingus can be intensely pleasurable for many people. Oral stimulation of the anal area can cause a variety of sensations, from arousal and pleasure to relaxation and tingling. Some people experience a sense of intimacy and deep emotional connection when receiving anilingus, as it is a way to explore and enjoy a highly sensual part of their partner's body.

For those who perform anilingus, they may also experience a feeling of power and control, as they are providing pleasure to their partner in a very intimate and personal way. In addition, the tongue and lips are extremely sensitive, allowing the anal area to be explored and stimulated in a gentle and delicate way.

In summary, the sensations of anilingus can be highly pleasurable and emotionally rewarding for many people, although it is important to practice it safely and consensually. As in any sexual activity, open communication and mutual respect are key to fully enjoying this practice.
